35+ Affirmations for Self Love for Introverted Women Entrepreneurs

Many introverted women entrepreneurs struggle with self-love.

Especially in a world that seems to make them feel different for being introverts.

The thing is, according to The Introvert’s Guide to the Workplace, a book by Thea Orozco, over 50% of the world’s population is introverted! This means you’re not different, weird, or odd for being an introvert. You don’t have to change yourself into an EXTRAvert (I did that on purpose lol) in order to be loved, appreciated, and respected.

However, to experience those things, you need to start from the inside out.

Something else introverted women entrepreneurs struggle with a little is self-hatred. They are constantly saying to themselves, “Why can’t I just be more like them?”, “Why can’t I be more outgoing like so and so”, and other negative self-talk things.

This negative self-talk is eroding your self-esteem and when you erode your self-esteem you erode your self-confidence. This causes you to shrink back even further! It’s a vicious cycle. But it doesn’t have to be like that. You can change this and honor yourself as an introverted woman. The key to doing that is practicing self-love. In a previous post, I shared 14 self-love exercises you can do. One of those self-love exercises is to use affirmations of self-love!

That’s why I am sharing these self-love affirmations for introverted women but before I do…

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are statements that you say to yourself or out loud that affirm the thoughts and feelings you wish to have for yourself. They aren’t inherently good or bad. However, what you say to yourself matters, and if you want to exude introverted confidence you need to speak to yourself with love, not criticism.

Related: The most important conversation you’ll have

Do affirmations work?

Self-love affirmations work if you want them to work. The key to making them work is to believe them when you say them. If you struggle to believe the affirmations you’re saying to yourself then add on the reason why it’s true. This helps the affirmation get rooted in your mind as fact not just wishful thinking. Another way to make affirmations work for you is to adjust the ones I share here to be more in your tone and the way you say things. Maybe you use contractions in your thoughts. Then make sure the affirmations you use also have contractions. The key is to make them work for you.

Related post: How to Write Affirmations that Work for You!

How to use these affirmations for self-love?

Set aside some quiet personal alone time in the morning and at night before bed, turn on some relaxing music or turn down the noise somehow, and take some deep breaths. When you are relaxed enough start from the beginning and with full feeling believing in what you are saying say the affirmations one after another in order 2-3 times. When you are done answer the questions I share below to bring it forward with you into the world. If you can only do one time a day, do the nighttime one as it has longer to since into your subconscious!

Related post: 15+ Confidence Affirmations for Introvert Women

All right let’s get started!

35+ Affirmations for Self-Love for Introvert Women

1. I love myself fully.

2. I accept myself as I am.

3. I honor my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Self-Care Affirmations for Self-Love

4. I eat a nutritious diet rich in whole foods.

5. I move my body regularly.

6. I aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

7. I release stress.

8. I find relaxation practices that work for me.

9. I maintain a positive attitude.

Spiritual Affirmations for Self-Love

10. I connect with something bigger than myself.

11. I practice my faith.

12. I commune with nature.

13. I study science.

Emotional Self-Care Affirmations of Self-Love

14. I maintain healthy boundaries.

15. I tell others how I want to be treated.

16. I act decisively if someone exceeds my limits.

17. I stand up for my principles.

18. I give myself permission to walk away from unhealthy relationships.

Self Esteem Affirmations for Self Love

19. I show myself compassion.

20. I treat myself gently when I am struggling.

21. I ask for help when I need it.

22. I reach out to others.

23. I connect with my community.

24. I am generous and kind to myself and others.

25. Being generous and kind gives me a warm glow inside.

26. Having a positive impact on my community helps me to recognize my own power.

Personal Growth Affirmations of Self-Love

27. I act with integrity.

28. I make choices that align with my values.

29. I follow through on my commitments.

30. Being responsible and consistent protects my self-esteem and helps me feel more at ease with myself.

31. I focus on progress rather than perfection.

32. I practice self-forgiveness.

33. I forgive myself when I fall short of expectations.

34. I give myself credit for making an effort.

35. I value learning from my experiences.

36. Today, I validate myself.

37. I recognize that whatever I need already lives inside of me.

38. I am wonderful and lovable.

Now if you are saying the affirmations in the morning and at night and writing them as well then they might begin working in no time. However, if you want to take it deeper to help them stick and become embodied in you then journaling in tandem with saying the affirmations is key!

Here are 3 Self Love Journal Prompts to make it stick

1. What qualities make me valuable as a friend?
2. How can I be honest and objective when I look at myself?
3. What is one nice thing I can do for myself today?

In this article, I shared 38 Self-love affirmations for introverted women and 3 self-love journal prompts to help you build your self-love muscle.

If you are struggling with these affirmations for self-love or want to help make these new affirmations stick then The Self Love Journal for Introvert Women is perfect for you! This self-love journal contains more than 30 Self-love journal prompts plus the space to write to help you take your self-love journey deeper!

Click here to learn more about the self-love journal for introverted women!

35+ Affirmations for Self-Love for Introvert Women

Many introvert women struggle with self love. Especially because we live in a society that seems to only appreciate the extraverts. But the biggest issue the self loathing that’s begun to take place. It causes your confidence in yourself to erode. Practicing self love starting with these affirmations of self love is key to building and rebuilding self confidence.

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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