5 Journaling Prompts for Anxiety During CV

I don’t know about you, but the anxiety I’m experiencing is vascillating between sky high and nowhere to be found. And I’ve found that one of the constants for me when dealing with the unknown and not knowing what to expect is journaling.
5 journaling prompts for anxiety during covid-19 and other stressful events know love and trust yourself personal growth

5 journaling prompts for anxiety during covid-19 and other stressful events.

I’d like to share 5 journaling prompts for anxiety to help you move through this time with a little more ease.

5 Journaling Prompts for Anxiety during Covid-19

  1. What has helped me overcome anxious thoughts in the past?
  2. What do I feel most anxious about right now? How long have I been worried/anxious about this?
  3. I am grateful for _________ (make a continuous list and keep adding to it)
  4. When was the last time I smiled and laughed?
  5. My top 3 accomplishments during this time are____________

These journaling prompts are helping me be kinder to myself and also helping me be proactive. They also show me that I’ve overcome other challenges before and I can overcome this as well. We don’t need to be perfect in this time.

We need to accept ourselves and offer ourselves GRACE & SPACE to process and be. I could go into problem solving mode and tell you to seek help or only focus on what you can control but I realize that that’s not what’s needed right now.

HOWEVER if you are thinking of hurting yourself or others please do seek help. Call 1-800 273-8255.

Feel free to comment below and let me know how you are doing. I do care and I want to know.

That’s it from me today!

Until next time,

Coach Brittany

If you’re having trouble with navigating & releasing anxiety during covid-19 like we discussed in this post. I’ve created the perfect product to help you have a private space to release the stress and anxiety on your mind.

The Lined 8inX10in Journal will help you to navigating anxiety during covid-19 and have a private space to release the stress and anxiety on your mind.

Visit https://amzn.to/3jza80j to grab the Lined 8inX10in Journal now and get started today.

And we’ll get you on the road to navigating anxiety during covid-19 quick.

5 journal prompts for anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic know love and trust yourself

5 journal prompts for anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic know love and trust yourself

5 journal prompts for anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic know love and trust yourself

5 journal prompts for anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic know love and trust yourself

5 journal prompts for anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic know love and trust yourself

5 journal prompts for anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic know love and trust yourself

5 journal prompts for anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic know love and trust yourself

5 journal prompts for anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic know love and trust yourself

5 journal prompts for anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic know love and trust yourself

5 journal prompts for anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic know love and trust yourself

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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