5 Things You Need to Grow Your Online Business

You sit there with your morning tea… gazing out of the window… wondering if this is possible for you. If growing an online business that fuels your lifestyle and increases your impact is truly possible. Do you have what it takes? The feeling of frustration creeping up on you because you know you can help people…
What it really takes to start and grow your business online 5 things to make it happen profit strategist

What it really takes to start and grow your business online 5 things to make it happen

You know you can serve and make a difference in their life and their business.

But… you aren’t attracting the right people and you are starting to stress out about your finances. You don’t wanna have to go back to working for someone else… just because you couldn’t “hack it” out there in the online business world. You don’t want to look and feel like a failure. You know without a doubt that your business is meant to change lives regardless of the service but you can’t seem to bust through this financial block.

To top it all off, your partner is starting to give you the side eye when you say you “need to invest in growing your online business” because, frankly, they don’t know when you’ll get the money back. They don’t see the vision you have for your online business. But this is starting to stress you out even more and that feeling of desperation is starting to seriously creep up on you. And you know desperation is a repellent… it’s like potential clients can SMELL it leaking off of you.

But you’re not ready to quit and you can’t quit… not when there are people out there who need your help. So you begin offering things for free thinking it’ll move the needle but it doesn’t.

It doesn’t have to be like this! Sometimes our brain is our worse enemy. It constantly takes you through the dooms day sequence without any prompting. This doesn’t do you any good. So I am going to share the 5 things you need in large supply to grow your online business.

5 Things Your Need to Grow Your Online Business

1. Soul-stirring “WHY”

This is your motivator when things seem to be going wrong and not moving fast enough. When I think of my “Why”  It has 2 components to it… There the external why and the internal why. The external why is all about how it benefits my lifestyle. The internal why is all about how it impacts my soul and core beliefs. The external why might seem superficial or selfish but it’s a-ok!  The internal why is the deep intrinsic motivation that’ll keep you going.

2. A great idea

This idea doesn’t need to be soul shaking or earth shattering. It can simply be a different way of doing something or it can capitalize on an inefficiency somewhere. Think about Uber Eats, and Hello Fresh. These companies capitalize on the inefficiency of having to travel to get something and instead they bring it to you. Amazing right!? So make sure your idea is a good idea.

3. A starving (or in Lyft’s case, a lazy) audience

These are the people who when you share your offer they will THROW their money at you much like those fancy dancers 😉 lol.  These people want what you have to offer and are willing (and ABLE!) to pay the price you offer it to them at. This is highly important! What good is an audience who either wants what you have an can’t afford it or can afford it but could care less? No one needs that in their life and business!

4. Stick-to-it-iveness

(Aka perseverance (my husband told me that’s the real word lol))

You’ve got to DIG deep. You’ve got to stick to the strategies that you’ve created to grow your online business for at least 90 days straight. No bouncing from one idea to another… or one guru to another or… one tactic to another! I know this can be hard! This is something I struggle with as well. Can you say squirrel? That’s me I’m enticed by shiny objects all the time all over the place. So I get it. But often times this stems from a deep feeling of not being enough. But you can work through this by having a friend or coach in place which brings me to the 5th thing…

5. Get support

This entrepreneurial journey can feel lonely as heck but it doesn’t have to! Join the entrepreneur community! There are tons of them on Facebook! Get a coach (someone like me lol) that’s going to direct you, help you strategize, and hold you accountable to the woman and business owner you said you wanted to be. This will help you make the progress you are hoping for in your online business.

Let’s recap!

If someone told you that growing an online business was easy they lied. However, having these 5 things in place will make the journey worth it!

Those 5 things to grow your online business are:

  1. Have a soul-stirring “Why”
  2. Have a great idea that different
  3. Have a starving audience
  4. Have stick-to-it-tiveness (aka perseverance)
  5. Have support!

With these in place you are bound to be a success. The only question would be when not if.

If you’re having trouble with what to do after these 5 things you need to grow your online business check out my new freebie Welcome Email Templates

This free email template will help you use email marketing to grow your online business and have you growing your online business in no time.

Visit https://www.brittanywhitevolks.com/free-welcome-email-templates-for-beauty-businesses to grab Welcome Email Templates free today.

5 things you need to grow your online business

In this article you’ll find the 5 things you need in large supply to grow your online business. Click here to read more!

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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