61 Day Til The End of 2018

Just like that, in a flash, 2018 is almost over.

When this year started I had one word for the year.

My word was “visible”.

What I didn’t realize is that this “word” would be more of an INTERNAL word than external one.

I did a lot of soul searching this year and moving outside of my comfort zone on a consistent bases.

I’ve gone to 2 conferences (and I’m leaving in the morning to another one).

If this had been the old me I wouldn’t have gone.

I would have hidden and blamed it on being an #introvert.

But with this word of the year being “visible” I made a commitment to being seen.

By making this commitment I actually began seeing myself more.

Underneath the fear and doubts is a knowledgable woman who wants to serve others and help them grow their business.

In 61 days it’ll be time for a new word.

What is your word for 2018?

What will your word be for 2019?

And will you be committed to it?

Reply in the comments and let me know!

Until next time

Coach Brittany

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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