Do you have a local coffee shop you frequent? Or a restaurant?
When you first started going there it was a bit awkward, right?
You didn’t know where to sit…
Or what to order…
Or how long you could stay…
And it felt like the people behind the counter just saw you as just another customer.
But the overall experience was ok so you went back again and the people behind the counter seemed to be a bit warmer.
But now… weeks and months later the people behind the counter know you by name.
They know your order. They save things for you. They miss you when you haven’t been around in a while.
They know your penchant for starting random, deep conversations out of nowhere (oh… that’s just me? … well..fine lol)
What happened?
What changed?
You’ve built a relationship. Y’all are both invested in the transaction that takes place at the counter. Y’all are both invested in the transformation.
How did this happen?
Well, you shared something about you and allowed space for them to share something about them and this kept happening.
That along with frequency (my coffee shop is a nearly daily trip) creates a deeper, lasting relationship.
This is what it’s like in your business with your email list.
You share something with them and allow space for them to share something with you (via replies).
You show up pretty frequently, not just to get them to buy, but to say hi and share what you’ve found/created with them in mind.
When you take this approach to build and nurture your email list it won’t be necessary to build a huge (10000s of people) list because you’ll have built relationships that lead to frequent sales in your business.
In order to build a relationship with the people on your email list, you’ve gotta take the time to get to know them.
If you’re ready to build your relationship with the people on your email list go through this mini-course in the members’ area. You can get access to it b clicking the link below!
It’ll help you discover what it is about your people you need to learn so you can build a lasting relationship with them!
Until next time
Brittany White-Volks
P.S. Want to know what my favorite part about email is? The replies. I love connecting one to one with the PEOPLE on my email list. That’s the key… remembering that there are people on the other side of the email.
Feel free to reply to any email! It’s me on the other side… for real.