Have you ever heard… “success is an inside job”? Well it is.
Why is that? Well life is scary stuff. Doing the things that involve you putting yourself out there into the world and being visible is scary.
Your primitive brain gets activated when it thinks of “exposure” but it’s important to understand what’s trying to do. It’s trying to keep you safe.
And if your life involves scary stuff like visibility and selling your services for money (a concept that still relatively new to the primitive brain) your primitive brain will avoid these things. And it reflects in your actions.
Keep reading to find out how your behavior is reflective of the thoughts and beliefs you have around money, selling, and self-worth.
Human behavior is weird.
Usually your behavior is driven by certain emotional needs and thoughts. Need to feel safe, heard, understood, loved, a member, to create, and more.
When those needs aren’t met, actions happen to help get them met. It’s up to you to determine the positive actions to take.
Example: If you think it’s unsafe to have money because someone will always want some (this is one of my blocks) It’ll feel unsafe (fear) to have money coming towards you. You’ll avoid doing the things that cause money to come towards you.
A lot of free offers. A lot of blowing money on frivilous things. A lot of doing anything that blocks money.
So, what to do?
Change the thought.
Change the belief that created the thought.
Why change the belief?
When you change the belief you change the thoughts that come from this belief. All thoughts spring from internal beliefs.
Example: You feel parched You think “there’s juice in the fridge”
You head to Fridge. Why?
Because what you thought to be true is that there is juice in the fridge.
But… what if, instead of juice being in the fridge, there’s water.
Does the belief that there’s juice in there still ring true?
Maybe but not as strong.
Why because experience has shown that there wasn’t juice in there before. If this happens again… the belief that there’s juice in the fridge decreases again.
The best way to change (negative) beliefs is to recall and reiterate times when experience has proven this belief to be untrue or at least not 100% true.
This means… question every thought you have. Ask yourself these questions:
- “What’s the origin of this thought?”
- “What experience has reinforced this belief?”
- “What experience has disproven this belief?”
- “What’s the opposite belief of this?” <—- This is your new affirmation… use this as a question for you to answer with proof from experience. This is affirmations 2.0.
- “What needs to continue to happen to reinforce this new belief?” <—- this is something you add to your daily routine. It’s better if it’s a physical act like writing, meditating, going for a walk, tracking your money, sending an e-mail with a PayPal link, EFT, etc. These all reinforce new beliefs.
Your life will start to shift when you start changing your beliefs.
You’ll seem like a different person and the world around you will change as well. Your success is hinging upon you being able to shift the present beliefs you have about yourself and money. Your survival isn’t based on predator but on your success and impact in your life. In order to make this happen you gotta get out there even when it’s scary and prove to your brain that you won’t die if you are visible.
You can do it! I can help! Schedule a 1:1 session today and we can talk about what blocks are keeping you from making money in your business!
Coach Brittany