Can I ask you a question? Are you letting comparisonitis ruin your life? There's this quote going around in these internet streets saying "don't compare your page 1 to someone elses page 20!" And it's a great quote... But I think it's fundamentally wrong! You see......
Mindshift Moments
The perspective in which you approach your goals and growth can greatly determine if you reach your goals or you don’t. This category of articles will focus on overcoming limiting beliefs, developing a growth mindset, and embracing positivity and gratitude.
Disclaimer: Mindset work doesn’t negate the need for therapy. Please feel free & encouraged without shame to seek mental health support.
Are you boxed in by “shoulds”?
"You know what Brittany? You should only blog once a week and they should be ridiculously long posts for seo!" "You should only post stuff to social media thats about your business/funny/light and nothing about your thoughts or what you are struggling with" "You...
There is more for you out there!
Have you ever got that feeling, as you go through your day, that there has to be something more to “this”? Something more to this basic 9-5 that’s really 7:30-6:30 with the ridiculous commute? To the job that doesn’t fill you up and is just barely paying the bills?...
Take Small Steps Daily
I am the type of person who wants to be "there" already. I am not sure if this has to do with being raised in NYC or the constant "hurry up and wait" from the Army that gives me this sense of urgency. Like, I should be there already or almost there right now. This...
Your “why” needs to be deeper than that!
This morning during my meditation my mind drifted towards weight loss. I have a goal to lose 30 pounds this year by July 1 (my 30th birthday). However, we are now in almost mid April and I have gained a pound. So during the non-focus periods of the meditation I got...
3 Ways to Reduce Self-Doubt: Ideas for Coping and Reducing Self-Doubt
In these last few months I've gone through quite a bit of self-doubt. I feel that I became stronger as an individual because of that time. During this time of self-doubt I was literally this close to closing my Etsy shop. I stopped knitting and crocheting. I also...