Ever felt stuck in the life you're living and knew there had to be something better for you? Did you participate in some form of service that gave you some sense of purpose and meaning only to feel it kinda slip away after leaving? Well you aren’t the only one....
Personal Growth
Want to (Re)Discover Yourself? Start with these 5 areas!
When I was in the military I lost myself… I wasn’t sure who the hell “Brittany” was any more… I knew she was an American soldier, a warrior and a member of team, and she served the American people… but who the heck was she? So I began searching for her. And I...
But Why Brittany?
For the longest time I struggled with "What do you like? Who are you?" And other questions like that. And I had no freaking clue how to answer those questions after leaving the Army. For the longest time I wasn't sure about who Brittany White was let alone Brittany...
3 Reasons Why It’s Important to Have a Vision for Your Life!
“Vision” - The future based dream you have of your life, the reason why you do the things you do. In this blog post, we're going to talk about the 3 reasons why it's important to have a vision for your life. The reasons are it subconsciously gives you something...
Get Specific
This morning my hubby went and got me a sandwich. It was a kind gesture. I'm feeling like I got run over by 10 yellow taxis in Time Square so I appreciate the TLC. But the sandwich had the wrong cheese and it completely threw off the taste. And the cheese was melted...
Seek first to understand, then to be understood
If there is one thing I am majorly guilty of its giving advice. I listen to people tell me things then I tell them what should do... or what I would do to fix it... make it better. I've done this so much that people actually come to me for advice. And you know what...
Are you boxed in by “shoulds”?
"You know what Brittany? You should only blog once a week and they should be ridiculously long posts for seo!" "You should only post stuff to social media thats about your business/funny/light and nothing about your thoughts or what you are struggling with" "You...
How to stop letting circumstances dictate your outcomes… for good!
Why do things keep happening to me? Have you ever said that? Felt that? Thought that? How does that feel? Negative? Like a cloud hanging over your whole damn life? Like screaming "this can't be life!" You're right! That's not life. That's life through the role you are...
There is more for you out there!
Have you ever got that feeling, as you go through your day, that there has to be something more to “this”? Something more to this basic 9-5 that’s really 7:30-6:30 with the ridiculous commute? To the job that doesn’t fill you up and is just barely paying the bills?...
“Then She Broke Free!…”
During my meditation this morning a scene played out in my head. Yeah yeah I know, "you're not supposed to be thinking Britt!" LOL This was during the free mind portion of my meditation (I use the Headspace app). This scene popped up. I'm standing on the train...