Traveling has always been something that fuels my soul. Getting out of the hum drum of daily living and going somewhere else, anywhere else, has led me to traveling the world. It's the primary reason I joined the Army outside of education goals. Just keepin' it real...
Personal Growth
Take Small Steps Daily
I am the type of person who wants to be "there" already. I am not sure if this has to do with being raised in NYC or the constant "hurry up and wait" from the Army that gives me this sense of urgency. Like, I should be there already or almost there right now. This...
Your “why” needs to be deeper than that
This morning during my meditation my mind drifted towards weight loss. I have a goal to lose 30 pounds this year by July 1 (my 30th birthday). However, we are now in almost mid April and I have gained a pound. So during the non-focus periods of the meditation I got...
So… What are Limiting Beliefs?
Limiting beliefs… So what exactly are "limiting beliefs"? Let me share a story that might shed some light on this. “I’m afraid of heights” Once upon a time, there was this girl. Her name was Brittany. She grew up in the projects of NYC and often felt limited. She got...