Here's an episode of "real talk" from me to you, ... The reason you aren't achieving your goals has more to do with you than it does your goals. (this is probably not something I'm 'supposed' to say #unpopularopinion) If you are constantly trying to "improve yourself"...
The Mindful Momentum Blog
I help women who want to gain and feel the momentum in their businesses and lives.
How to Get Out of A Creative Slump
Lately, I've been feeling my creativity waning. Like no ideas coming and no energy at the same time. I was dragging mentally and physically... something wasn't right So I took a look at my life. What was I doing with my days? I looked at my journal, my screen time, my...
The #1 thing you need to have when someone joins your email list to increase sales
I’ve been doing a lot of research regarding local businesses and what I’m finding is interesting. Confession... I often think that what I know and do is "common knowledge" and that if I'm doing it everyone else is doing it because I often feel out of the loop and...
5 Business Systems Coaches Need to Automate in Their Business to Increase Sales Online
Many online coaches struggle with knowing what business systems to automate in their business and when. They want to increase their impact and their income without alienating their clients or overwhelming themselves. When business systems automation is applied to a...
#1 Reason Why Email Marketing is Still Important for Coaches & Consultants
Have you ever wondered why it is SO important to build your email list? Did you think it was something that was overrated especially in this day and age of social media? Why build an email list when everyone and their mama (and in some cases grandma and great-grandma)...
Things your ego says… that keep you broke
Let me ask you a question... When you started your business what was your goal? Did you want to help people and make some money doing it? Saw a problem and figured you could create (& sell) a solution? Chances are yes to either or both. You got into...
Feel like you’re spinning your wheels?
Ever been in a car that was stuck in mud or snow? It has this frustrating energy to it... You press on the gas... the car revs but goes nowhere You don't press on the gas... the car goes nowhere There's something missing... but what? The thing that's missing is.........
Welcome to The Optimize Email Blog
Hey hey hey! Welcome! I'm so glad you're here! My name is Brittany White-Volks but you can call me Britt ♀️ If you are here it's because you're tired of always focusing on the front end! You're ready to begin building long-term growth in your business! And guess...
How To Get Ideal Clients for Your Business Online
The biggest challenge that businesses of all kinds face is having a steady flow of leads that become clients. According to the Small Business Administration, 42% of businesses fail because of lack of demand, aka they do not have enough clients or customers. But that...
Email Marketing Basics for Introverted Women Entrepreneurs
Email marketing is the act of creating a list of potential customers and emailing them consistently with either educational, pivotal, or entertainment information. Email marketing is such an important aspect of both online and offline business. Email marketing helps...