How To Break Through A Business Funk

Sometimes I get into funks where I don’t wanna do anything, go anywhere, or even talk to anyone.

My most recent funk was in January. It was a hot mess. I was super cynical, skeptical, and pretty despondent. It doesn’t feel the best.  Can you relate?

how to break through a business funk and get your business mojo back Email Marketing Specialist & Consultant

How to break through a business funk and get your business mojo back – Email Marketing Specialist & Consultant

So what did I do to break through it? I went back to my coaching skills 😀  Here’s a step by step guide to break through a funk.

Step 1: Acknowledge the “funk”

Becoming aware that you are in a funk in the first place can actually help you to start clearing it out.

Step 2: Determine where the funk feeling is coming from.

This might be showing up as extra cynical/skeptical (like I was). It can be shortness or wistfulness. Is there anywhere in your life or business where you feel particularly upset or funky towards? Find out and move on to step 3.

Step 3: What about this thing/area are you resistant to?

Because the funk is often a sign of resistance or something bumping up again your values. That’s what happened when I was going through my deep funk in January. Once you uncover where the resistance is coming from it’s time for step 4: Decide.

Step 4: Decide your next steps

You actually have two options here: change your relationship or change your situation. If you choose to keep resisting then changing your relationship with the funk will be key. If you choose to change something to remove the funk feeling from your life then be sure to commit to it and keep going.

Don’t let the funk derail you from your goals!

Once I realized I was in a funk I did an assessment. I asked myself “where in my life am I feeling out of alignment or full-blown resistance?” Slept on it and journaled. I realized that it was due to some of the thing being taught in a coaching program that I had invested heavily into. Something was bumping up against my values hardcore and it was keeping me stuck and not wanting to work in or on my business.

Once I realized what it was, I began distancing myself and proactively surrounding myself with people who shared my same values or parallel values.  I began feeling better and I began making progress in my business again.

When they say that your environment is key for your growth, it’s true.

So let’s recap.

When you start feeling like you might be in a funk go through this process:

  1. acknowledge the funk
  2. determine what’s causing it
  3. ask what are you resisting
  4. decide whether to keep resisting or change the situation

If you were in a funk and your email list fell by the wayside, all isn’t lost.

Books recommended for further reading:

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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