How to Increase Sales Online for Your Soap Business

The biggest challenge soap business owners face isn’t getting those initial sales. It’s increasing the volume of sales. By increasing the number of sales you begin to have a profitable business. With so many businesses moving online it can seem crowded. But how do you increase your sales online? How do you generate raving repeat customers, the gold of every business?
How to increase sales online for your soap business - The Profit Booster

How to increase sales online for your soap business – The Profit Booster

In this artlcie I share 5 ways to increase online sales for your soap business. I’ve shared these methods with my previous clients that have helped them generate an additional $1000 in sales without hustling for new customers! Yep! Let’s get started.

How to Increase Sales Online for Your Soap Business!

1. Communicate with your existing customers consisitently

Communicating with your existing customers consistently is key to creating a profitable business relationship and increasing sales online. When you create content and send message you’re letting your customers know that you have the best in mind for them. This allows them to build know, like, and trust with your brand on a deeper level.

When you don’t educate and communicate with your customers you leave them in the dark. This makes them want to seek out information else where. Which ultimately leads to them buying elsewhere!

To get started create some blog artlcles, videos, or podasts for your brand and be sure to distribute them to your customers through email!

2. Generate reorders from your existing customers

Generating additional sales with your customer during checkout and afterwards will greatly increase your sales online without any addiitonal work! You’ll create raving repeat customers with notifications to reorder or refill their favorite soap or try something new with the season!

When you don’t do this you constantly have to find new customers. The largest expense a business has is customer acquistion. It’s why they always ask “how much does it cost you to acquire a customer?” on Shark Tank™️. When you create repeat customers you’re going to quickly increase your online sales!

How do you get started with this? Send an email! In a quick email to people who purchased 45-90 days ago saying that based on your records they could be running low on soap! Then give them the link to reorder! This email comes across as a customer serive email more than a sales email but service IS selling! Click here to read an article where I share mistakes people make that cost them repeat customers & sales!

reorder email example

Here’s an example of a reorder email – You can get the reorder email template here!

Another way to increase sales online is by celebrating your existing customers.

3. Celebrate with your existing customers

Celebrating your customers is an awesome way to increase online sales because it creates a PERSONAL shopping holiday for your customers. Some people simply need a reason to shop and by celebrating them you give them that reason! It’s a good reminder to “Treat Yo’self!”

When you don’t do this people will scratch that shopping itch somewhere else!

To get started decide which personal holidays your soap business is going to observe and then be sure to ask for the deets. Here are some personal holidays:

  1. birthday
  2. anniversary (this could be wedding anniversary, sobriety anniversary, or simply anniversary of their first purchase with your brand!)
  3. related holidays (apple day, pizza day, valentine’s day, etc.)

Then set up an email automation for this in your email software! (You do have an email list right?) The magic will happen and so will the repeat sales!

Speaking of repeat sales, you’ll want to determine how you can elevate your customers’ loyalty to your brand.

4. Elevate your existing customers

Creating loyalty requires you to elevate your customers. People like feeling special and appreciated. Customers that feel supported are mor likely to become loyal customers.

When you don’t create loyal customers you risk your business failing because customer acquistion is expensive! It costs time, energy, & money and only 2 of those are renewal resources. Increasing customer loyalty is key. You can use loyalty programs, frequent buyers club, or exclusive offers!

To get started with this decide what kind of program you want to create. I think the easiest to start with is a frequent buyers club. This is similar to Amazon Prime where you get exclusive perks for being a member (but your program doesn’t need to be as extensive). You can do $50/yr and they get 15% discount on products and free shipping. The key with this is to make sure your soaps are properly priced. Having a program like thia will make your existing customers love your brand and they will shout it from the roof tops. They’ll become brand advocates.

5. Create Brand Advocates from your existing customers

Even in this digital age word of mouth marketing is STILL #1. It’s why their are so many review videos on Youtube and so many searches for “best xyz”. People (& your customers) rely on word of mouth to make good buying decisions. This ALSO means that your customers are constantly asked for their opinion on products. They will organically share yours if your products are good and if their experience with your brand is good. This can lead to your online sale increasing overnight!

Word of mouth is a double edge sword. If you don’t create a share worthy experience for your customers they will also share their negative experience with others and sadly that actually holds more weight than sharing a positive experience. There are psychological reasons to this so lets just say people don’t like making mistakes and don’t want to make avoidable mistakes.

To get started with this send an email asking your loyal customers to share an offer with their friends! You can offer an exclusive discount or add an exclusive product to their order. Either one will work. The key here is to send the email and ask! Nothing bad will happen from you asking!

Alright so let’s recap.

There are 5 ways I recommend to increase sales online for your soap business.

They are:

  1. Communicate with your existing customers consistently
  2. Generate easy reorders from your existing customers
  3. Celebrate your existing customers
  4. Elevate your existing customers
  5. Create brand advocates from your existing customers

If you look at what I’ve shared here you see that increasing your sales online comes primarily from your existing customers. This is because repeat sales are what separates profitable businesses from failing businesses.

The added benefit is when potential customers see how well you treat your existing customers they want to become existing customers as well! Win-win-win!

If you’re having trouble with increasing sales online for your soap business check out my new optin FREE Reorder Email Template for Ecommerce Brands.

FREE Reorder Email Template - The Profit Booster

FREE Reorder Email Template – The Profit Booster

This optin will help you get started with post purchase emails and help you increase sales online for your soap business in no time.

Visit to grab FREE Reorder Email Template for Ecommerce Brands free today.

How to Increase Sales online for your soap business - the Profit Booster

How to Increase Sales online for your soap business – the Profit Booster

How to Increase Sales online for your soap business - the Profit Booster

How to Increase Sales online for your soap business – the Profit Booster

How to Increase Sales online for your soap business - the Profit Booster

How to Increase Sales online for your soap business – the Profit Booster

How to Increase Sales online for your soap business - the Profit Booster

How to Increase Sales online for your soap business – the Profit Booster

How to Increase Sales online for your soap business - the Profit Booster

How to Increase Sales online for your soap business – the Profit Booster

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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