Now of course there are avid believers in money affirmations. There are also avid disputers of money affirmations saying they don’t work. Today we are going to talk about how to write affirmations that work for you specifically. Here’s the thing… we all use affirmations every day. They are habits of thought. They are the things we say to ourselves about ourselves and our situations. “I’m not good enough” is an affirmation.
Affirmations, like money, are neither good nor bad.
How you use money affirmations determines their value.
If you are constantly affirming lack of money in your mind then lack of money is what will be all around you. If you are affirm abundance in your mind then abundance will be all around you. When we are shifting our mindset into one of abundance it’s easy to say “I attract abundance into my life” but if you deeply don’t believe that then that affirmation is going to rub you the wrong way. So if it does rub you the wrong way you have more work to do.
Uncovering limiting beliefs and the writing/debunking the stories around them before attempting to shift into abundant thinking might be necessary first. That’s alright. Working with a coach (like me) will help you shift those beliefs. Once you uncover the old stories and beliefs its time to create the shift.
Note: this may or may not be an instantaneous shift. Just like you’ve been affirming that you aren’t good enough for years upon years it might take some time for the new beliefs to take root. This is where a lot of people get it wrong with their affirmations. They only do one type. This type is called the integrating/embodying affirmations. These are the affirmations that speak directly to your consciousness. But, if you don’t clear the old stuff out first, its like a virus in your body and it gets rejected.
There are 5 types of money affirmations and they need to be conducted in this order:
- Releasing/cleansing affirmations
- Receiving/accepting affirmations
- Being/intending affirmations
- Acting/claiming affirmations
- Integrating/embodying affirmations
Releasing/cleansing affirmations are exactly that. These affirmations help you release the old stories and beliefs. You can’t accept something new if something is already occupying that space. Releasing affirmations clear up these old beliefs and stories and make way for new ones. Kinda like wiping the slate clean or erasing the board. I am currently working on my own mindset (it’s always a work in progress) and when I say my releasing affirmations I feel the energy shifting in my body! It’s really cool! These affirmations begin with “I release ___” or “I let go of ___” Next are receiving & acceptance affirmations.
Receiving/acceptance affirmations allow us to receive and accept openly and freely. It’ll help you shift from disempowering beliefs that keep you stuck like “getting…” or “taking…” to opening up for goodness and abundance. This is something I am working on for myself as well. Being/Intending are next type of affirmations you need to create in order to shift your mindset. These affirmations start with “I open ___” or “I accept ___”.
Being/Intending affirmations are about you stepping into your higher purpose. Your reason for being. These affirmations help you become more consciously aware of your intention or mission in life. They enhance and support your actions going forward. These affirmations begin with “I know ___” or “I live ___” or even “My intention is ___”.
Next are the acting/claiming affirmations. These affirmations are about bring forth your desires. Bringing them into existence. They also help you claim your power and establish boundaries in relationships. When you step into your power and realize you have a lot more control over certain things than you originally thought a lot of things in your day-to-day life will shift. You may become a new person, potentially over night! These affirmations start with “I step into ___” or “I am ___”.
Finally there are integrating/embodying affirmations. Like I said before these are the ones people tend to jump to without doing the work for their mind to believe these or even be open to believing this. I get it! When I first started working with affirmations that’s what I did as well. But after learning more about affirmations and doing the work around it in my mind it became easier to embody these affirmations. Once you do the work these will sink into your consciousness and you’ll begin to truly feel the shifts happen. These affirmations begin with “I breathe ___” or “I integrate ___”.
Alright so lets recap!
When it comes to writing your own affirmations there are 5 types you need to have in your mindset arsenal to blast through old beliefs and create new ones! Those types of affirmations are releasing, receiving, being, acting, and embodying. When you understand the different types of affirmations it becomes easier to write them. So now how do you write affirmations that work for you? Take a belief you want to let go such as “I am not worthy of my rates”.
- First you’d have to write “I release the fear of not being good enough for my rates”.
- Then you move to the next one and say “I am open to receiving my choose rates” then move down the list to “I live in my purpose and execute it through my business”.
- Next is “I step into the role of ceo in my life and business” and finally “I breathe in abundance and exhale doubt!” These were literally off the top of my head but you can do it too!
Take a moment, go through this article and rewrite the affirmations to work for you. You’ll be glad you did! Now let me know in the comments, have you ever written your own affirmations? How did it go? Share in the comments below and don’t forget to use the share buttons to share this post with the people in your life! until next time!