How you see this will change everything

Are you a money magnet?

I grew up thinking that money came from hardwork.

You see, my grandma (who raised me) worked really hard and that’s how we had money and it wasn’t very much.

We didn’t get a lot of help (it seemed).

So it was all a struggle…

Then when I got older, I had a few jobs making minimum wage ($5-7/hr) but I was working tons of hours just to have money to pay for my basics…

So I felt rich when I finally got to $12/hr!

Like woah! And the work wasn’t too hard.

So at some point, I linked my WORK to the amount I made instead of the VALUE my work provided.

When I began reading self-help books and mindset books I became more aware of the value I bring… not from the work I do but the RESULTS (value) I help people get.

This helped me to begin switching the mindset I had with money.

This helped me become a money magnet.

Shifting my mindset around money has helped me shift how I feel about myself.

Because I realized that by me focusing on me not being good enough, it was affecting my income.

But shifting my beliefs and my perspectives began to change that.

If this is something you’ve struggled with it’s ok! It’s really not your fault. Now that you know that money is attracted to the value you bring and not to who you are, it’s time to make a change.

If you’re ready to begin the journey to shifting your mindset around money so you can become a money magnet I recommend reading these 3 books:

Money Magic by Deborah Price

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

Creating Affluence by Deepak Chopra

These books are all pretty easy books that can be read in a few days and implemented immediately. Lots of actionable steps. Lots of deep questions. None of the shame or guilt. You’ll be glad you read them!

Until next time!

Coach Brittany

P.S. Pretty sure you already know I’m a bookworm so if you’ve read these books already reply to this email!  I have a few more recommendations 😀

P.P.S. Hope you’re having an awesome weekend.

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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