I knew she was an American soldier, a warrior and a member of team, and she served the American people… but who the heck was she? So I began searching for her. And I realized she was still in there just buried by all the should and expectations of the roles put on to her by the rest of the world. After working through a course I became a Certified Life Purpose Coach. Working through the exercises I work with my client on I began realizing who it was. I know this works!
By asking specific questions and answering honestly you can begin to rediscover yourself as well! There are 5 areas where you can start to reclaim the woman you are or reinvent her. These areas are the roles you play, your passions, your values, your talents and skills, and your personality! I’m going to cover approx 5 questions from each section that you can ask as you get started on the journey to rediscover yourself!
Consider your conditioning
Considering your conditioning is all about reviewing the influences you have on your life from when you were a child to now. This can be from the roles you play to the people who raised you! Ask yourself these 5 questions and answer honestly:
- What roles do you play on the stage of life? A good way to look at this and answer is what titles do you have that aren’t your name? i.e. Wife, student, veteran, mom, soldier/sailor/marine, race, gender, etc. All of these influence who you are and how the world see you and how you see yourself.
- What would these roles need to look like for you to feel like you’re true to you? Asking this might help you realize that something need to change and you’re ready to take your power back and choose how you want your life to be.
- Who would be affected by you changing the roles you play?
- What benefits would you get from removing or changing the roles you play?
- Who would you be if the roles you don’t want to play just upped and disappeared?
These questions will make you think for sure and there will be plenty of “ah-has!” and “Eureka!” lol
On to the next section to evaluate in your journey rediscover who you are!
Consider the things you are passionate about!
This can be all the things that you love, the things that rile you up, the things that get you excited! Take a moment and answer these 5 questions about rediscovering your passion!
- When I was kid I wanted to be _________ when I grew up
- In the past as a kid and even now I enjoyed ____________. List everything you can think of from food to activities, places, and traditions and WHY you enjoyed them!
- The things I do now that bring me pleasure are ____________
- The activities I know I love that I might not be doing right now that I’d like to do are _________
- The other aspects of my life that bring me joy, excitement, and that energize me are ____________
- In my life I’ve been passionate about ____________
After going through this you’ll begin learning and relearning things about yourself! Maybe you’ll pick up a hobby or start something new that just for you! Working through these questions will really help you rediscover who you are!
Consider your values!
These speak to the more altruistic version of you! Values often express themselves in the specific ways we wish the world were a better place! So ask yourself these 3 questions:
- What would I like to change in the world?
- In what ways can I BE the change I want to see in the world?
- What do I stand for?
When you answer these questions you might realize why it is some people rub you the wrong way… chances are their values don’t line up with yours in a way for them to mesh. That’s ok! You get to choose who you are around most the time. When you can’t choose just be awesome!
Consider your talents and your skills!
We all have skills and talents and reviewing them not only reminds us of how awesome we are; it also shows us possible areas of income! Can you say win-win? Anyway ask yourself these 5 questions to see where your awesomeness lies in your talents and skills! By the way in case you were wondering skills are things you’ve been taught to do and talents are things that came naturally!
- My key skills/ talents that come naturally are _______________
- I shine bright like a diamond when ________________________
- Others tell me I’m good at ________________________
- What skills do you have that are unique?
- What talents do you have that come easy to you that others might find difficult? (THIS right here?! Possibly money! YES!)
Finally, it’s time to take into account your personality.
Yes, your actual personality is a revealing factor in rediscovering who you are! It wasn’t until I took the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test did I fully understand what an introvert was! I thought I was just shy ‘til drunk lol
There are plenty of tests to take that are reputable. Key phrase being reputable! I’m talking about the official ones not the ones found on buzzfeed lol
Here are 3 personality type tests you can find online:
- The Myers Briggs Type Indicator: www.mbtionline.com
- 16 Personalities (free knock off of the MBTI) www.16personalities.com
- Find your fascination: www.howtofascinate.com
- The strengths finder: https://www.gallupstrengthscenter.com/Purchase/en-US/Product
These personality test will also help you understand how you think, feel, and react to things internally and externally! You’ll gain some much needed insight to rediscover yourself as the strong woman you are!
Alright, so…
when you embark on this journey of soul search and self-discovery, you’ll find some tough questions. Be honest with yourself when you answer these questions! That’s the only way you can rediscover yourself truly! So above we chatted about considering the roles you play in life, considering your passions, considering your values, considering your talents and skills, and finally discovering your personality type. As the cliché says, “This is only the tip of the iceberg!” it’s true. You as a woman are like a still lake! You have no idea how deep it goes ‘til you dive deep! So don’t be afraid to dive deep into this self-discovery process!
Which questions will you answer today? Let us know in the comments below! And don’t forget to share this with your friends on social media!
Do you have a question about rediscovering yourself, your purpose, and using it to impact the world? Click Here to Ask! Those who ask the questions get a free ticket to the online bootcamp!