The Hardest Lesson I’ve Learned as an Entrepreneur

The hardest lesson I’ve had to learned as an *almost* heart-centered entrepreneur is this:

I can’t want the results MORE than my customer does.

the hardest lesson i have learned as an entrepreneur and how it has made me so much better Email Marketing Specialist & Consultant

the hardest lesson i have learned as an entrepreneur and how it has made me so much better Email Marketing Specialist & Consultant

Some people say that they want something and they are willing to do it but their actions are the furthest thing away from what they said.

It’s like the person who says they wanna lose weight but they don’t change their eating habits or the movement habits. It’s just words.

And to be honest it used to upset me when I’ve been putting in the energy to help.

But I’ve had to learn to become unattached to their outcome.

Realizing that…

their lack of action and progress doesn’t define if I’m a good coach/strategist/consultant.

How I feel about what I’m doing defines if I’m a good coach/strategist/consultant and I think I’m a damn good one.

Having a client who doesn’t get results or isn’t keeping their end of the bargain sucks but it’s not up to you. This person just hasn’t fully decided to go for it and we can’t make them!

What I can do is make sure I’m doing my part as a coach/strategist/consultant.  That means supporting their goals with encouragement and accountability but I can’t push them or do the work for them.

Realizing this has released me from so much stress and even *heartache* from customers who fail to launch or keep their word (not just to me but to themselves as well).

I realized that the trust issues they have are with themselves and this helped me step back and have an a-ha moment…

It’s not about me.

What about you? What’s one of the hardest lessons you’ve learned in business? Let me know in the comments below.

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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