The Truth About Why You Don’t Feel Good Enough [Real Talk Series #2]

Here’s episode 2 of The Real Talk series. I’m your host

In a previous article, I shared how if you’re struggling with your goals it probably has something to do with you more than it has to do with the goals.

the truth about why you dont feel good enough real talk series know love and trust yourself personal growth

The truth about why you dont feel good enough. #realtalkseries

This is because your goals were probably set from a place of “not good enough” vs. from a place of “unfolding and growth”.

(I’m going to go into why I say self/personal development vs self improvement another day)

Today I want to dive a bit deeper into something I think is the underlying cause of women’s self-esteem issues: the messages we receive.

The truth about why you don’t feel good enough is because of the messages you receive from society and other places.

As introvert women, we are bombarded with messages of not being good enough from BIRTH. I am not exaggerating.

And these days, with CV, the messages are:

  • “if you don’t have this, this, or that when you come out of this then you’re lazy and unmotivated!”
  • And don’t forget all the productivity shame floating around,
  • the body shame floating around (i.e. tummy tucks, quarantine 15, wrinkle creams, weightloss pills, and more),
  • the parenting shame floating around (why you let your kids watch so much tv?) and so much more.

My hope is that you ARE taking care of yourself but there’s a big difference between caring for yourself because you’re worth it (you are!) and because you need to FIX yo’self.

I’m here to tell you…

There ain’t shyt wrong with you.

Point Blank.
(Yep, that’s how it came out in my journal when I wrote this so it’s meant to be said like that!)

Caring for yourself from a place of acceptance and SELF love will uncover so many internal blocks you didn’t know you had. Like lack of boundaries (with yourself and others) which lead to people-pleasing tendencies and falling into those shame traps I mentioned earlier. You are enough because you exist. Nothing and no one can take that from you… not EVEN you.

Let me know how this series is feeling for you, and if you’ve received any ahas. I got quite a few replies when I sent this as an email to my VIP club and it validated that this message is the one you really need to hear. Thank you!

If you’re struggling with this concept of there not being anything wrong with you then you might need to focus on cultivating more self-love. That’s why I created the self-love journal for introvert women like you. Learn more about The Self-Love Journal for Introvert Women here! Or click the image below!

The Self Love Journal for Introvert Women - Know Love and Trust Yoself

The Self Love Journal for Introvert Women – Know, Love, and Trust Yo’self

Until next time

Coach Brittany

Real Talk Series

  1. The Truth About the Goals You Set
  2. The Truth About Why You Don’t Feel Good Enough (this one)
  3. 11 Signs You Are Struggling to Accept Yourself

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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