This quote threw me for a loop

I just opened my phone and this quote was waiting for me…

“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask.  Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.”~ Jack Canfield

This quote hit me so close I deleted the email I’d originally wrote to you and started over because I want to ask you something. What is it that you want that you’re too afraid to ask for out loud?

What I’ve discovered is that often times what’s really holding you back is fear of judgment.

Either from yourself, your peers, your family, or someone special to you. And the deeper fear is often the misguided idea of death pure and simple… But what if you take this quote and embodied it?

What if you ACCEPT the idea that they might judge you… and just not care because what you want… wants you too?

And what’s meant for you will come to you… when you take action.
So what action could you take that leads to you receiving what you want? If you’re tired of struggling to figure out your next steps take action and grab on to this life raft.

This life raft is designed in the shape of a strategy session.  It’s meant to help you get a grip on where you are and give you specific next steps to take so you can grow your business even through the judgement.

Book your session here:

And I’ll see you on the other side


Coach Brittany


P.S. You want to know what I wanted that I was too afraid to ask for out loud? I wanted to ask you to get on a strategy session so we could work together without feeling like I was going to be judged.. kinda meta right?

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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